
About athletengine consulting...

My name is Hardie Jackson and over my 30+ years of experience in the Sports Industry it has become very evident to me that too many Amateur Athletes and their families are frustrated with trying to understand the confusing, intricate and ever-changing structure of Amateur Sports and the College Recruiting process without any type of guidance or support from an experienced and informed source. There is no manual with directions on how to navigate this academic and athletic landscape. It is the same with Athletes looking to retire from their Professional Careers. This is why athletengine consulting was created. We are here to assist, advise and counsel you through many of these incredibly important decisions and turn a very muddled process into one with clarity and structure. In other words, we are here to be your personal Academic and Athletic Manual and to give you the confidence and knowledge you need to "level the playing field" in your favor before it is too late. Whether you are an up and coming Amateur Player looking for a new travel team, to play in college and beyond or a Pro Player stepping out of the game for the first time, we want to work with you to give you the knowledge and resources you need to make the best decisions possible for you and your family. We look forward to hearing your individual story and to helping you create and execute your personal plan to assist you in reaching all of your academic, athletic and personal goals.

Hardie S. Jackson

  • Graduate of Vanderbilt University

  • Played Baseball at Vanderbilt University

  • MLBPA Certified Player Representative, 1988-2008, Convest, Inc. and CSMG Sports, President of North American Baseball/Owner

  • EvoShield LLC, 2009-2017, COO, VP of Marketing and Partnerships/Owner

  • Live in Atlanta, GA with my wife and three children

  • Member of Peachtree Presbyterian Church